Defining your Perfect Partners
Dating online can be confusing! All the different people and all that opportunity – it can be tough for a singleton to keep their head and make the right choices. Sometimes online dating users just don’t know who to choose and end up spending too much time chatting to the wrong people. Such feelings can be stressful, especially if we start to worry that we’ve missed our perfect partner somewhere along the line.
So what’s the solution? Well dating-experts believes that the only way to do online dating successfully and enjoyably is to do it methodically. Fundamental to this is a good definition of what your perfect partner looks like. You have to know what you want and then set up a system for how you judge your matches based against this.
In offline dating, singletons will often be cautioned against holding out for a dreamy ideal in the face of tangible opportunity. But online this is exactly the right attitude. Online dating is about excess of opportunity and defining in detail what our perfect partner looks like will help us make lots of quick, stress free choices.
How to set about defining your perfect partner
It may sound all about ‘weird science’, but we recommend that you actually create a visual representation (or persona) of your perfect partner and pin it to your wall. In business, personas are most commonly used in marketing departments to define the characteristics of typical customers. This helps marketers visualise their customer and pitch directly to them. Your perfect partner persona will help you to do exactly the same thing. Firstly, to identify your perfect partner and then to think about how to get through to them with the right message.
Here are the dating-experts five four steps to creating your perfect partner persona
Brain Storm: Start writing out some statements about your perfect. What would they look like? What sort of sense of humour would they have? How would they react to different situations? How would they get on with your family? What characteristics do you admire in your friends or acquaintances or indeed former partners, that you would like to see in your new date?
- Prioritise: Write all these characteristics down in a long list and then rank them based on how important they are to you.
- Visualise: Take the top ten copy them onto a piece of A4. Find a suitable picture online to represent this dream other, give them a name. - and pin it all on the wall next to your computer. – Now you know exactly what you are looking for.
- Utilise: As you chat to your matches online, score them against your top ten criteria as you go along. Ask them questions that help you to find out more about how they compare to your perfect partner persona. If they don’t cut the grade, stop talking to them and block their profile. If they are a good match, dedicate your time to really communicating with them thoughtfully and carefully
Image courtesy of africa and Simon Howden / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Submitted by George Sanders on