Love Calculator

Review (be2)

Love Calculator

Click here for a science based Love Calculator, that is based on psychological research not only on your surname.

-> Find out how compatible you really are with your new love interest.
Use be2 as a love calculator, you can get a real and scientific view.

There are tens if not hundreds of love calculators on the internet. Nearly all of them request your name and the name of your loved one and then generate a random statement based on this information alone. This is not very scientific. In fact these love calculators are not even based on respectable superstition. Most of the love calculators don’t seem to have any basis in astrology or mysticism of any standing. Rather it is love calculation purely by randomized computer output. So if you want to calculate the value of your love based on some totally random criteria, then please go ahead and enjoy. However, at dating-experts we have a better idea that we would like to share:

How to use dating website registration processes to get a real and genuine calculation of how well suited you are to a love interest: Many of the matchmaking websites that are live on the internet have psychologically based questionnaires and algorithms that they use to match their users. Most are based on genuine research and academic theory. If you want a real calculation of your love, or more importantly perhaps, a psychological view on how likely you are to get along, you can use these services – in effect they are free love calculators.

Our favourite site for use as a love calculator is be2.

We especially like the be2 love calculator because it is relatively quick, scientifically sound and produces a nice personality report and matching score for you and your partner. be2 was established by a qualified sociologist and its matching algorithm is based on sound psychoanalytical research. So the results that you get from this love calculator will almost certainly be genuinely interesting for you. How compatible are you really? How well do your personalities mesh on key compatibility criteria?

How to use be2 as a real love calculator

So how to do it. Firstly, it’s only fair to warn you that this process will require at least 15 mins of your time and it is best done in cooperation with your potential partner. First step is to register yourself on be2. Its important to say you live in a very small place – the Scilly Isles for example (ill explain why later). Then get your partner to register on be2 in the same small locality. (If you want to keep the process secret do this yourself and imagine how they would answer – in itself this can be a really interested exercise – it makes you think about how they really feel and who they really are). It’s important that you choose a small location, because be2 searches by location and if you said that you both live in London, it might not match you with one another – and you’d never receive your love calculation…

Do all this and, hey presto, you will have a in depth, psychoanalytical report on how compatible you are with your new love interest. A real Love Calculation. Not only that but we can promise you the process of filling in the registration will really make you think.

Product Information: 
be2 / Review

A well established matchmaking service in the UK, most popular with 35+ age groups and designed to appeal to people who like simplicity and a straightforward service.


Product: be2 - Review
Rating by the editors of:
Total result: 5 / 10

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