Taking it easy with a summer of slow sex

slow sex

Taking it easy with a summer of slow sex.

Slow sex is the talk of the internet this summer, with a great flurry of chatter on how slowing down your lovemaking can lead to more intimate and successful coupling. The idea came from across the pond, where Americans have been attending workshops to help them slow down their sex and watching lots of slow sex porn to help them learn how to do it. Now this relationship rekindler is causing excitement in Europe too and there’s barely a glossy magazine on the shelves that has left the subject untouched.

So how should I go about this slow sex thing? Is it complicated?

No. The process is really very much as it says on the tin: get rid of the rock ballads and fancy lingerie, bring out the meditation music and incense. Indeed, in many ways it seems that this new trend is just a re-dressing of many existing theories that have fancier names like Tantric sex or Karma Sutra sex. To some extent the term ‘slow sex’ is a refreshingly direct one this context. With Eastern mysticism removed, couples and especially men can catch the drift of this concept pretty easily: slow and sustained action for a more satisfied partner and loving relationship.

Slow sex porn

As mentioned, to help men get the idea, a whole new genre of porn has developed to match and nearly all the major porn sites have been savvy enough to add slow sex as a category choice in their offerings. There are over 2,000 searches a month for the term ‘slow sex porn’ and probably many more men who search for it within porn sites (ie not using google), which is a sign of the power of this trend in itself. Doesn’t sound like a lot of fun, but nonetheless, it’s good to know that some porn is being used - at least partially - for constructive purposes.

If you want to find someone to have slow sex with, or indeed sex with at any pace, you might like to check out our recommendations for top dating services in your area.

Image courtesy of simon howden / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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